It's interesting to see how our perceptions of things can be distorted. Having spent much time explaining to groups that what appears to be can often be an illusion is a challenge. Seeing through and into the trick and developing an understanding of the principles behind what appears is critical to enable optimal performance. The reason for this is that if we just stared at the image and sat in awe of the magical nature, it would be like we are under a spell. Marvelling at the way the objects appear to move is ok to a point, but at what stage does the viewer attempt to unravel the mysteries of the illusion and see it for what it is. When we see a sublime performance often we get caught in thinking or perceiving it almost like magic. A great line in the movie, Matrix was when the little boy and Neo are waiting in the oracle’s apartment and the boy shows Neo how to bend a spoon. The boys comment was don't think you can bend the spoon that is impossible. The spoon appears to bend because Neo allows his mind to bend; he allows his mind to move. Like this illusion we can realise that there is no trick, but rather the subtle movements and shifts we see in the image is a reflection of us. We are bending, moving, and shift always.
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