Today I meet with an amazing person who got me thinking about all the different people, processes and systems required to make change in an organisation possible and sustainable. This is the first real entry I am making for this blog and I have waited for the right inspiration to start the ball rolling.
The topic is 'working together', which sounds kind of simple simple, but as most will know it is in the action that things become complex. Conceptualising the picture is not to tough, making it happen is another thing. So where do I begin.
What's often required to get all the parts of the process, the people, the system involved and operating effectively and with ease is an interesting dynamic, and one that can be complex. The road to ease and effectiveness is often bumpy and tiring. What is require to bring different people together with a single or even multi focused projects is not alway clear. What each part needs to function and compliment can be difficult to understand. To get the job done can on paper seem straight forward, but in reality requires much reshaping and adjustment.
From the conversation today I had many questions and probably the most vivid one in my mind was, 'Where do we start to improve how we work together to create the changed needed for improvement? Is it a thing we can target or a person? Is the start universal and applicable across departments, oganisations, industries? Is there a simple answer or is the solution so vast and varied that it's a try it and see approach?
Obviously I have listed a number of questions and many of them come from different angles. The consideration I want to give is on that takes a visual interpretation of working parts that may be more easily seen as different colours. We overlap and interact which each other and often we stand by our colour or style like a flag of honour. Are we all just different shades of from a palette of colours available to each and every one of us? The obvious one to note are the primary colours and we would have some common ideas about which colour means what. Blue is universally regarded as relaxing and fluid. Does this have a personal corralette in human terms? We have reds, greens, yellow and then the various shades and mixes.
During the conversation today I found myself playing around with the idea of how colours can be used to represent how we feel, our styles of learning and our personalities. In fact during the discussion my friend mentioned an activity with seven different coloured hats. It sounded similar to activities that I have used where I get people to take a different perspective on a situation and assign it a colour to assist with recall. If each person, or every perspective can be colour coded it adds an interesting dynamic to how we work together and also better undertake differences. This has less to do with types and catagories and more to do with feeling and emotions that you or your group can identify. This also reminded me of a theory called 'Spiral Dynamics' which I find interesting not because of the use of colours only, but for other significant reason. This popped into mind and was great because I then attempted to explain in a rough way the theory. The point is here. Is that the colour were the link and just like an assignment tag; it was easy to recall.
What became my focus since the conversation has been the various ways people interact with each other and the softness, edginess, bluntness etc that is used or accessed to do so. Much of the shapes and styles of our interactions in conditioned I think and yet we have an amazing ability to become aware of these pattern and to change them or at least try or practice others. My thoughts have shifted and swayed from the various sensation and thoughts we have when we come into contact with others and how we can better understand these forces and influences to create better more effective interactions.
Taking the smallest part and changing our view to include a grander picture of the intricate links, relationship and effects is huge. How big can you take it? And does having an understanding of the big picture help in working together?
My thinking is that it does. Why? Because the more perspective we can taken in the better we would become at appreciating and understanding each one. Each part or perspective is required to make the larger whole function. If each part is kept in optimal health and working order does it not contribute better? Still does this need to be understood by all, maybe not but at least if each and every one of use has some yearning for more understanding or reason, then the greater consciousness and purpose should surely contribute to an over all greater capacity for the collective conscious to drive improvement.
Each one of us plays our part, an integral role and no one should feel insignificant and currently the imbalances in the over all awareness seem to favor keeping people in the dark. This is my first entry with this blog and it poses more question that answers and will probably be the nature of what I intend here. I thank my friend for his time and energy today as the inspiration was well received. We are all in this together so why don't we learn to appreciate each other and work better together.
The topic is 'working together', which sounds kind of simple simple, but as most will know it is in the action that things become complex. Conceptualising the picture is not to tough, making it happen is another thing. So where do I begin.
What's often required to get all the parts of the process, the people, the system involved and operating effectively and with ease is an interesting dynamic, and one that can be complex. The road to ease and effectiveness is often bumpy and tiring. What is require to bring different people together with a single or even multi focused projects is not alway clear. What each part needs to function and compliment can be difficult to understand. To get the job done can on paper seem straight forward, but in reality requires much reshaping and adjustment.
From the conversation today I had many questions and probably the most vivid one in my mind was, 'Where do we start to improve how we work together to create the changed needed for improvement? Is it a thing we can target or a person? Is the start universal and applicable across departments, oganisations, industries? Is there a simple answer or is the solution so vast and varied that it's a try it and see approach?
Obviously I have listed a number of questions and many of them come from different angles. The consideration I want to give is on that takes a visual interpretation of working parts that may be more easily seen as different colours. We overlap and interact which each other and often we stand by our colour or style like a flag of honour. Are we all just different shades of from a palette of colours available to each and every one of us? The obvious one to note are the primary colours and we would have some common ideas about which colour means what. Blue is universally regarded as relaxing and fluid. Does this have a personal corralette in human terms? We have reds, greens, yellow and then the various shades and mixes.
During the conversation today I found myself playing around with the idea of how colours can be used to represent how we feel, our styles of learning and our personalities. In fact during the discussion my friend mentioned an activity with seven different coloured hats. It sounded similar to activities that I have used where I get people to take a different perspective on a situation and assign it a colour to assist with recall. If each person, or every perspective can be colour coded it adds an interesting dynamic to how we work together and also better undertake differences. This has less to do with types and catagories and more to do with feeling and emotions that you or your group can identify. This also reminded me of a theory called 'Spiral Dynamics' which I find interesting not because of the use of colours only, but for other significant reason. This popped into mind and was great because I then attempted to explain in a rough way the theory. The point is here. Is that the colour were the link and just like an assignment tag; it was easy to recall.
What became my focus since the conversation has been the various ways people interact with each other and the softness, edginess, bluntness etc that is used or accessed to do so. Much of the shapes and styles of our interactions in conditioned I think and yet we have an amazing ability to become aware of these pattern and to change them or at least try or practice others. My thoughts have shifted and swayed from the various sensation and thoughts we have when we come into contact with others and how we can better understand these forces and influences to create better more effective interactions.
Taking the smallest part and changing our view to include a grander picture of the intricate links, relationship and effects is huge. How big can you take it? And does having an understanding of the big picture help in working together?
My thinking is that it does. Why? Because the more perspective we can taken in the better we would become at appreciating and understanding each one. Each part or perspective is required to make the larger whole function. If each part is kept in optimal health and working order does it not contribute better? Still does this need to be understood by all, maybe not but at least if each and every one of use has some yearning for more understanding or reason, then the greater consciousness and purpose should surely contribute to an over all greater capacity for the collective conscious to drive improvement.
Each one of us plays our part, an integral role and no one should feel insignificant and currently the imbalances in the over all awareness seem to favor keeping people in the dark. This is my first entry with this blog and it poses more question that answers and will probably be the nature of what I intend here. I thank my friend for his time and energy today as the inspiration was well received. We are all in this together so why don't we learn to appreciate each other and work better together.